Jan 9, 2011

Pangono Pangono (little by little)

Little by little I find myself adjusting to life here. I would say I'm on the upswing, but as we all know about swing-sets, the upswing is followed quickly by a plunging backwards downswing.

Things that make me feel like I'm really succeeding here:
- Recreationally spraying clouds of mosquitoes with Doom while sitting safely inside my mosquito net

- Being able to recognize most of my students usually sometimes out of the crowds of youth in school uniforms all with the same haircut

- Finally having the urge to vomit overcome debilitating fear of creepy-crawlies in the outside drop toilet at night (yes, Hannah Sickness is alive and well!)

-Realizing the flour used for frying onions is infested with bugs. Eating onions anyway.

Things that make me want to jump the next flight home:
- Being constantly covered in a layer of chalk dust, charcoal, and flies.

- Heroically carrying all the water for the household on my head (feeling very cultural) only to have my skirt blown off by a rogue wind gust. Thanks to the ever-present swarm of over-eager children who chased the escapist down and captured it.

- Being lulled into the familiar feeling of Hannah Sickness only to learn of a pending Cholera outbreak in the next village.

Ah well, The Universe Seeks Balance. [Also possibly the explanation as to why Republicans have overtaken Congress.]

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