Feb 5, 2011

Oh yeah, and there are students.

With the most unusual names. The roster is a mess of unpronounceable Chichewa names sprinkled with what seems to be any English that their parents might have heard and thrown in for good measure.

Highlights include:

Peter Sunday/Sundae (spelling differs according to his mood): A riot of a boy who has an uncanny ability to talk his way out of any situation. Also a savvy businessman - he tried to sell me the plastic bag he carries his books to school with for 200 kwacha (For comparison: A Fanta costs 70 kwacha). His family also owns the only guava tree for miles.

Heartwell Kamangwa: All the irony in the world has converged to make this boy the one who carries his intestines to school in a bag. Incidentally his heart is fine.

Ngalame Andrissana Mowawaa: I avoid calling this girl by name.

Briefing Blessings Abel Davies Taonani: Son of the headteacher who has wormed his way into Standard 7 at the age of 10. Believes his destiny is most certainly not in this village.

Michael Daniel Noah: Or Daniel Michael Noah. Or Noah Michael Daniel. Unclear.

Bornface Kind: With a name like that do you need a personality description?

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