Things I've Learned About Politics/Econimics/Media in Mongolia:
(lecturers include the editor of the first free newspaper in Mongolia, the Sec. General of the MPRP--the former Communist and current dominant party and others)
-Despite Mongolia being the classic American example of "Look! Democracy can work anywhere!" The Mongolian government is actually quite corrupt. They also seem to have a chronic problem with governments (or the dominant parliament party) resigning party-way through their 4 year stint.
-The Media is terrible. If tv and radio stations and newspapers aren't owned by a political party, then they're private companies which just then succumb to "envelope journalism" (i.e. the practice of printing anything if one pays for it).
-The Democratic Party can't get it together. Other opposition is seriously crazy.
-Mining is the biggest issue in Mongolia today.
Things I've Learned About Religion in Mongolia"
(lectures on Buddhism, Shamanism, Christianity and Catholicism)
-Similar to Christmas Catholics in the US, most Mongolians are Border-line Buddhists.
-Although devastating (as far as religious persecution) the removal of religion during the Socialist period has now bred an era of religious tolerance that is rarely seen in the world today.
-Suffering from Mental Illness? Become a Shaman and all your symptoms will disappear! (other than the bit about hearing voices, but don't worry, that's "normal")
-Mormon missionaries wear suits and ride bicycles, even in Mongolia.
-Mining is the biggest issue in Mongolia today.
Things I've Learned About Environment in Mongolia:
(lecturers weren't worth mentioning)
-The number one cause of desertification in Mongolia is overgrazing (Mrs. Will was right!)
-I don't know much about science.
-The more pixels you want, the more expensive the satellite photo is. (possibly the worst lecture in the whole lot)
-Mining is the biggest issue in Mongolia today.
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